Are Washable Filters Worth It?

Washable filters are a great option for those who want to save money and be environmentally friendly. Learn about their benefits & advantages.

Are Washable Filters Worth It?

When it comes to air filters, disposable ones are more effective at trapping smaller particles, such as pet dander, bacteria, viruses, and smoke. On the other hand, washable filters are better at protecting against large particles like dust. So, are washable filters worth it?The answer is yes! Washable filters are a worthy investment. They may be more expensive at first, but they are guaranteed to save you money in the long run.

You only need to buy it once every 5 to 10 years instead of doing it monthly. Plus, they are less harmful to the environment than disposable filters. The real job of air conditioning filters is to protect the life of your HVAC system, not improve air quality. That's why you need to consider the MERV rating of your disposable filters and compare it to the MERV rating of a washable filter, which is usually lower. Unfortunately, reusable air filters don't perform better than low-quality products, measuring less than four on the MERV scale. The number one reason most homeowners opt for reusable air filters is that they are concerned about the environment.

Filter manufacturers rate air filter effectiveness using a scale called the MERV rating table, which represents the minimum value of efficiency reports. That means that a washable air filter, conservatively, could replace between 20 and 60 disposable air filters. Since the production and disposal of pleated filters can be detrimental to the environment, you may want to consider purchasing a washable oven or air conditioning filter. Rated high enough, this can lead to energy inefficiency (which will cost you more each month) and, in some cases, even damage to your HVAC system. Replacing disposable filters regularly (every three months, as recommended) can really add up in terms of waste. The biggest difference between HVAC electrostatic filters and disposable air filters is that they are washable and reusable. In conclusion, washable filters are a great option for those who want to save money and be environmentally friendly.

They may not be as effective as disposable ones at trapping smaller particles, but they are still a great choice for protecting against large particles like dust.